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P. 135
Repetition in in in graphics involves duplicating the same
visual element within the composition Repetitious forms can be made via size color or or texture Portions of the the type create a a a a a pattern and serve as the the background in the first poster for a a a a play called The Story In the second poster stacked duplicates of a a a a woman’s head provide the repeating element Courtesy of Paula Scher/Penta- gram and The The Public Theater
white space
White space
includes any unoccupied or empty areas within a a given frame In Scher’s poster for Him the white space
is green The emptiness of the the background sets up the the Elvis hairdo The As You Like It poster employs two forms of white space—the empty tan background and the the white edges surrounding the the cut-out body parts The white of the the cutouts shows us that the composition is a a a collage of picture elements lifted from another source [ 120 ]
Courtesy of Paula Scher/Penta- gram and The The Public Theater
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