Page 291 - Microsoft Word - Libro 3 4-11-2020.docx
P. 291

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                                           FEELINGS IN QUARANTINE

                                                 Juan Pablo Álvarez

                           Quarantine has taken us all by surprise.

                           In  this  quarantine  we  have  realized  how  we  really
                           are and have been able to think about our lives and

                           what we are doing to improve them.

                           In this quarantine it has felt like an endless Sunday
                           where  every  day  the  same  routine  is  repeated  as

                           always, I get up, bathe and dress to study in which
                           there are no big changes.

                           After  this  I  felt  a  little  frustrated  since  I  can't  go
                           training  and  I  just  do  some  exercises  since  I  don't

                           have much space.

                           At the family level, it has been a bit conflictive since,
                           as  my  parents  have  different  opinions,  we  are  in

                           constant shock but at the end we get comfortable. It
                           has also been somewhat difficult because we have
                           not been able to communicate well with the family

                           since it has to be done in a virtual way.

                           It  is  also  difficult  because  we  cannot  go  to  places
                           that we like such as the shopping trail, our farm, and

                           other types of places that we like to go to and that
                           we can’t now.

                           Although it has been difficult, we have been able to
                           continue  and  overcome  all  adversities  from  this


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