Page 295 - Microsoft Word - Libro 3 4-11-2020.docx
P. 295

Sueña y escribe

                                             POSITIVE QUARANTINE

                                                   Oscar Mónoga

                           Well, this quarantine for me has been quite normal,

                           yeah that’s right, I have heard people say that it has
                           been complicated for them, or that the quarantine

                           for  them  has  been  quite  difficult,  but  on  the
                           contrary  for  me,  the  quarantine  has  been  even

                           better, in school, I do not have to get up early at 5,
                           or around, so on that side it is quite comforting, but

                           what  I  think  has  seemed  the  hardest,  is  sports,  in
                           quarantine  I  have  hardly  been  able  to  do  sports,
                           playing soccer specifically, but I think it is the only

                           thing that seems difficult to me, and well, also not
                           being  able  to  see  my  partner,  it  is  quite

                           uncomfortable,  but  I  think  it  can  strengthen  our
                           relationship,  so  it  does  not  seem  serious,  I  think  I

                           like  to  see  the  positive  side  of  things,  and  in  this
                           case there are many.

                           I  feel  that  this  quarantine  has  strengthened  the
                           family,  that’s,  coexistence,  because  normally  my

                           parents are working, I arrived at 5 in the afternoon
                           at my house, and my parents much later, I do my

                           homework,  they  at  theirs  and  so,  but  with  the
                           quarantine  we  talk  at  lunch,  breakfast  and  dinner,

                           that  is,  at  every  meal  we  have  to  talk,  and  it  is
                           sometimes  quite  fun,  listening  to  contributions,

                           opinions, advice, among others that are also part of
                           being with the family at a table.

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