Page 296 - Microsoft Word - Libro 3 4-11-2020.docx
P. 296

Palabras Confinadas

                                            MY FEELINGS IN QUARANTINE

                                                      Valeria Orozco

                              Since  quarantine  I  have  been  really  bored  and

                              actually  really  don’t  know  what  to do.  My  life  has
                              changed a lot, I have lost my motivation to do some

                              things  like  working-out,  reading  a  book,  doing
                              something else besides watching Netflix and school

                              stuff. Quarantine has been sad, really annoying and
                              stressful, besides I have moved 3 times in less than a

                              month  because  my  mom  decided  to  move  to  an
                              apartment  and  then  to  another  apartment  that  is
                              actually ours so we don’t have to pay rent.

                              That’s my situation but in the other side my dad is

                              really  good,  he  stills  goes  out  and  that’s  really
                              annoying,  besides  he  works,  he  has  gone  to  the

                              beach  with  friends  and  sometimes  hangs  out  with
                              his friends and that annoys me but well that’s in my

                              dad’s situation. I both love him and envy him, his job
                              is amazing! I’m currently listening to kid Cudi while
                              I’m doing this assignment – Hey readers, you should

                              listen to Lana de Rey I think you might like it.

                              These days I have been really annoying to my mom
                              and  sister  because  I  don’t  know  what  else  to  do

                              besides being annoying and it has been kind of fun. I
                              have been watching my favorite shows too like the

                              Gilmore  girls,  outer  banks,  supernatural,  etc.  The
                              truth is that this period of time, whether we like or
                              not,  gives  us  the  chance  to  discover  more  about

                              ourselves  and  work  on  it,  improving  the  good
                              qualities and fixing those ones that need to be fixed.

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