Page 298 - Microsoft Word - Libro 3 4-11-2020.docx
P. 298
Palabras Confinadas
Jimena Pérez
It is interesting how in a short period of time, things
can change in the blink of an eye as drastically and
quickly, as the world can make you terrified, that is,
see things as they are or make us aware in a hard
and cruel way when we are in a comfort zone. It is
sad how people have to go through a difficult
situation in order to raise awareness, such as this
time of pandemic like for example me, who
sometimes preferred to go out with my friends or
talk to my friends instead of my family, now that we
are unable to see each other, I would like to be with
them, I learned to value more the fact that we did
not need anything despite all the situation we are
going through with the coronavirus situation.
On the other hand I am happy because despite the
work and other things that have to be done we have
been able to spend quality time with the family, I
have taken advantage of this time to do things that I
wanted to finish or start doing, such as learning to
make desserts and other things, finish reading the
last book of a super good saga and play guitar.
I have also learned to be more patient since small
children live under us and they scream all the time,
even while I am in class.
Lastly, I do not think we have to see this as
something bad but as an opportunity to reflect and
to start from scratch.