Page 302 - Microsoft Word - Libro 3 4-11-2020.docx
P. 302
Palabras Confinadas
Lina María Galeano
During this quarantine I have felt stressed, almost
everything makes me angry. I don’t like being locked
up, I miss hanging out with my friends and family.
But not everything is bad, I feel that in these days I
have been able to share with my parents, something
that used to be very difficult because of their jobs. I
have spoken more with them about my projects and
I am happy about that. I don’t like some virtual
classes because some are difficult to understand. I
get bored with everything, I need my puppies! For
me, it has been very hard to adapt to this new way
of life mainly because I hate being in one place for a
long time. I don’t like the confinement or knowing
that I can't get out. And I really hope that all of this
ends soon to retake my daily activities.
I think I won’t adapt to this, it is a very difficult
situation but understandable because of our
wellbeing and health, which is the most important
During the weekend of mother’s day, we went to
“La Mesa de los Santos” and we stayed there, I felt
free, very happy to change the view, I saw my
puppies, I played, I worked out, I went out, I hiked, I
even went to a pool! For me, it was spectacular and
the best part so far during this quarantine.