Page 303 - Microsoft Word - Libro 3 4-11-2020.docx
P. 303

Sueña y escribe

                                       MY EXPERIENCE IN QUARANTINE

                                              Andrés Antonio Gómez

                           Well,  in  my  case  this  is  my  first  time  living  a

                           quarantine  and  it  has  been  a  pretty  interesting
                           experience, as interesting as stressing in too many


                           In my case the thing I miss the most is being able to
                           go out, I miss skating or running to refresh my mind

                           from the everyday routine, but here I have to do the
                           same thing every day without being able to take a
                           break of the routine and home.

                           Putting  aside  the  negative  things,  it  has  been  cool

                           too cause I don’t have to go to school, I know that
                           doing this text is in itself a class activity but never

                           mind  XD,  I  don’t  miss  it  too  much.  Now  seriously
                           talking, people have seen how the world would be

                           without humans, where nature takes its place ruling
                           the world again as it was at the beginning before we
                           took the control over nature, destroying everything.

                           You could ask me if I miss someone, and the answer

                           will  be  my  grandma,  because  she  is  a  really
                           important  person  for  me  and  I  used  to  visit  her

                           every  time I could, but now I can't  because I'm in

                           There’s a popular saying “weeds never dies out” so
                           I'm  immortal,  as  most  of  the  people  I  know  at

                           school, so I’m quite chill about this period of time
                           and I know we all will meet again.

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