Page 38 - Kids and Bees Resource Booklet_SP_Neat
P. 38
There are a variety of ways to end the game. The student can pick their “ending” after they “win” by reach-
ing adulthood.
Ending number 1: the adult bee flies away to find a flower
Final nu mero 1: la abeja adulta vuela para encontrar una flor.
Ending number 2: the adult bee goes to help (cheer on) eggs, larva and pupa (like a nurse
bee would do)
Final nu mero 2: la abeja adulta va a ayudar (animar) a los huevos, larvas y pupas (como lo harí a
una abeja nodriza)
Ending number 3: the adult bee guards the “hive” where the students are playing
Final nu mero 3: la abeja adulta guarda la “colmena” donde juegan los estudiantes
Take it a step further:
Students break into small groups and research one honey bee life stage, including the stages of a worker bee
(page 22. 23. ,75).
Have small groups of students summarize the information they found and create a motion for that
life stage.
This gives students ownership of the material and explaining it to the class will help them
remember the material.
Play game as described above, however this time the game only lasts for 2-4 minutes so that not every stu-
dent reaches adulthood, or is able to do all the jobs as a worker bee.
Concluding discussion:
Who made it to nurse bee? Guard bee? Scout bee?
¿Quie n llego para convertirse en abeja nodriza? ¿Abeja guardiana? ¿Abeja exploradora?
In the “real world,” do you think every egg laid by the queen makes it to adulthood? Will they be
able to perform all of the worker jobs?
En el "mundo real", ¿crees que cada huevo puesto por la reina llega a la edad adulta? ¿Podra n realiz-
ar todos los trabajos de los trabajadores?
Why or why not?
Reasons bees might not make it: disease, pesticides, pest (Varroa mite, wasp, bears) starv-
ing, or freezing.
Las razones por las cuales las abejas podrí an no alcanzar: enfermedades, pesticidas, plagas
(a caros, avispas, osos) se mueren de hambre o se congelan
What do you think the biggest obstacles for bees are when they’re trying to make it to adulthood?
¿Cua l crees que es el mayor obsta culo para las abejas cuando intentan llegar a la edad de adulta?