Page 41 - Kids and Bees Resource Booklet_SP_Neat
P. 41


           Students will write an argument defending why a species of bumble bee is best suited for its habitat.

         Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.


           Students will write a poem or narrative describing what it’s like to be a specific species of bumble bee noting
            what kind of habitat it lives in, what flowers it prefers and (optional) it’s distinct coloration.

         Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details,
         and clear event sequences.

           This is a more in-depth and time intensive lesson, plan on a whole class period if you have longer blocks, or
            two class periods of you have shorter blocks.
           No data is still good data!  Even if your students don’t find bees, this is still data.  What were the conditions
            that caused the lack of bee sightings?  Cold weather?  Wind?  What about habitat?  Is there adequate flowers
            on campus to attract bees?
           The day before you take your students outside, scout the area for good habitat and bees, then lead them to
            that area.
           Below are printables of common bumble bees in the US to share with your students.  To find the most com-
            mon bumble bees in your area, contact your local Xerces Society chapter, or closest university with a bee lab
            or entomology program.


                                                                      Bombus huntii, photo: USGS

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