Page 46 - Kids and Bees Resource Booklet_SP_Neat
P. 46

  Show students the shopping basket of food
             Muestra a los estudiantes la cesta de la compra-
                  If you were at the grocery store and we lived in a world without bees what would be left in our bas-
                    Si estuvieras en el supermercado y vivie ramos en un mundo sin abejas, ¿que  quedarí a en nuestra ces-
                  Take each item out one by one and ask students what it is pollinated by, if they say bees remove the
                    Saque cada artí culo uno por uno y pregu nteles a los estudiantes por que  se poliniza, si dicen que las
                    abejas quitan el artí culo.
                  You will be left with rice and oats.  Show this to the students.
                    Te quedara s con arroz y avena. Muestra esto a los estudiantes.
                  Ask them if they would only like to eat rice and oats from now on?  Ask them if bees are important to
                    Pregu ntales si a partir de ahora solo les gustarí a comer arroz y avena. Pregu nteles si las abejas son
                    importantes para ellos.
           Ask the students, “Why do bees pollinate flowers?” To bring pollen and nectar home to their hive.
             Pregunte a los estudiantes, "¿Por que  las abejas polinizan las flores?" Para llevar el polen y el ne ctar a su col-
           Ask the students, “What do honey bees collect from flowers to make honey” Nectar
             Pregunte a los estudiantes, “¿Que  recolectan las abejas de las flores para hacer miel?” Ne ctar
           Ask the students, “How much honey will a honey bee make in her lifetime?” Show them a 1c. measure, a 1T.
             measure, and a 1/12 t. measure, and ask them to guess one of the three.  1/12th t.
             Pregunte a los estudiantes, "¿Cua nta miel hara  una abeja en su vida?" Mue strales un 1c. medida, un 1T. Me-
             dida, y un 1/12 t. mida, y pí dales que adivinen uno de los tres. 1/12 t
           Ask the students, “How many flowers does a bee have to visit to make one pound of honey?” Show them a one
             pound jar of honey. Approximately 2 million flowers.
             Pregunte a los estudiantes, "¿Cua ntas flores tiene que visitar una abeja para hacer una libra de miel?"  Mue s-
             trales un tarro de miel de una libra. Aproximadamente 2 millones de flores .
           Ask the students, “What is the one thing everyone in this room can do to make sure our bees have enough
             food, and are happy and healthy?”  Plant flowers.
             Pregunte a los estudiantes, "¿Que  es lo u nico que todos en este salo n pueden hacer para asegurarnos de que
             nuestras abejas tengan suficiente comida, y este n felices y sanas?" Plante flores

         Honey Bee Roles / Life Cycle Book (5 minutes)
         Find a book that discusses the roles of each bee in the honey bee hive.  I like In the Trees, Honey Bees, by Lori
         Mortensen, or Flight of the Honey Bee, by Raymond Huber.  I edit the book to explain the roles as nurse bee,
         house bee, guard bee, forager bee, scout bee, queen bee, and drone bee, so they match the next activity.

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