Page 47 - Kids and Bees Resource Booklet_SP_Neat
P. 47

Honey Bee Roles Activity (15 minutes)
         Worker bees go through different jobs as they age.

         Ask students what each bee does (one at a time).  Me: Who can tell me what a nurse bee does? Student: she takes
         care of the babies (brood) and the queen!  If a student gets it correct ask them if they want to volunteer to come up to
         the front of the classroom and help you “demonstrate” the role.  Then dress them up in a bee costume!
                1. Nurse bee – takes care of brood / queen - Abejas nodrizas – cuida de la crí a / reina
                       Give students all the babies, a bottle and nurse hat and antennae
                2. House Bee – fills cells with nectar, and builds honeycomb   Abejas de la casa – Llena las ce lulas con
                ne ctar, y construye panal.
                       Put on construction hat, give broom, dust pan and antennae
                3. Guard Bee - stops intruders from entering the hive   Abejas Guardianas – Evita que los intrusos entren
                en la colmena.
                       Put on caution tape sash, stinger, and antennae
                4. Forager Bee – collects nectar and pollen – Abejas de Campo – recoge ne ctar y polen
                       Bee costume, attach pollen (pom poms), antennae and giant flower
                5. Scout bee – looks for good sources of pollen and nectar, does the waggle dance to share nectar/pollen
                resources. – Abeja exploradoras – busca buenas fuentes de polen y ne ctar, baila el meneo para compartir
                los recursos de ne ctar/polen.
                       Give safari hat, tutu, and binoculars and antennae.
                6. Queen Bee – lays eggs – Reina – pone huevos
                       Put on crown, feather boa, and antennae, give egg carton
                7. Drones - male bee – Za ngano – abeja macho
                       Put on feather boa, large bug glasses (all the better to see the queen with), and antennae
         Review names of bees by going down the line and pointing to each volunteer, and have group shout out the names
         all together

         Ask students to have a seat, and ask if they have any more questions before the activity tables.

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