Page 52 - Kids and Bees Resource Booklet_SP_Neat
P. 52
Understand where beeswax comes from,
Discuss the multiple uses of beeswax,
Observe and discuss hexagons in the beehive.
Beeswax, wicks, beeswax candles and bars, foundation, small bags, crayons, stamps, stamp pads.
Activity and Discussion:
Each student will roll a beeswax candle,
Cada estudiante lanzara una vela de cera de abejas,
Tell them how beeswax is made,
Diles co mo se hace la cera de abejas,
Ask them to tell you the uses of beeswax (candles, lotion, lip balm, car and furniture polish, musical instru-
ment wax, etc.)
Pí dales que le cuenten los usos de la cera de abeja (velas, locio n, ba lsamo para los labios, pulimento para
muebles y carros, cera para instrumentos musicales, etc.)
They will also decorate a bag with honey comb pattern, ask them why they think bees use hexagons (it’s the
strongest shape, they can pack in LOTS of honey, pollen, and brood)
Tambie n decorara n una bolsa con patro n de panal de miel, pregu nteles por que creen que las abejas usan
hexa gonos (es la forma ma s fuerte, pueden empaquetar MUCHA miel, polen y crí as)
Tell them how honey comb is made (sound and heat)
Diles co mo se hace el panal (sonido y calor)
Bee Habitat
Learn what is essential to bee survival,
Learn how to plan a bee habitat.
Garden and farm models
Activity and Discussion:
Students will have two “landscapes” to “manage” - a farm and a garden.
Los estudiantes tendra n dos “paisajes” para “administrar”: una granja y un jardí n.
In both situations they will be presented with problems, then be asked to develop potential solutions, and
then take action!
En ambas situaciones se les presentara n problemas, luego se les pedira que desarrollen soluciones potencial-
es y luego ¡actu en!
There will be a model “farm” and a “garden” - the farm only has the crops planted, but no additional food wa-
ter and shelter (i.e. “habitat”) for the bees and beneficial insects. The garden has veggie plots, but no addition-
al food, water, and shelter (i.e. “habitat”) for the bees and beneficial insects
Habra un modelo de una “granja” y un “jardí n”: la granja solo tiene los cultivos sembrados, pero no hay agua
adicional para alimentos ni refugio (es decir, “ha bitat”) para las abejas y los insectos beneficiosos. El jardí n
tiene parcelas para verduras, pero no hay agua adicional para los alimentos ni refugio (es decir, "ha bitat") pa-
ra las abejas y los insectos beneficiosos. 52