Page 52 - Kids and Bees Resource Booklet_SP_Neat
P. 52

           Understand where beeswax comes from,
           Discuss the multiple uses of beeswax,
           Observe and discuss hexagons in the beehive.

         Beeswax, wicks, beeswax candles and bars, foundation, small bags, crayons, stamps, stamp pads.

         Activity and Discussion:
           Each student will roll a beeswax candle,
            Cada estudiante lanzara  una vela de cera de abejas,
           Tell them how beeswax is made,
            Diles co mo se hace la cera de abejas,
           Ask them to tell you the uses of beeswax (candles, lotion, lip balm, car and furniture polish, musical instru-
            ment wax, etc.)
            Pí dales que le cuenten los usos de la cera de abeja (velas, locio n, ba lsamo para los labios, pulimento para
            muebles y carros, cera para instrumentos musicales, etc.)
           They will also decorate a bag with honey comb pattern, ask them why they think bees use hexagons (it’s the
            strongest shape, they can pack in LOTS of honey, pollen, and brood)
            Tambie n decorara n una bolsa con patro n de panal de miel, pregu nteles por que  creen que las abejas usan
            hexa gonos (es la forma ma s fuerte, pueden empaquetar MUCHA miel, polen y crí as)
           Tell them how honey comb is made (sound and heat)
            Diles co mo se hace el panal (sonido y calor)

         Bee Habitat
           Learn what is essential to bee survival,
           Learn how to plan a bee habitat.

         Garden and farm models

         Activity and Discussion:
           Students will have two “landscapes” to “manage” - a farm and a garden.
            Los estudiantes tendra n dos “paisajes” para “administrar”: una granja y un jardí n.
           In both situations they will be presented with problems, then be asked to develop potential solutions, and
            then take action!
            En ambas situaciones se les presentara n problemas, luego se les pedira  que desarrollen soluciones potencial-
            es y luego ¡actu en!
           There will be a model “farm” and a “garden” - the farm only has the crops planted, but no additional food wa-
            ter and shelter (i.e. “habitat”) for the bees and beneficial insects.  The garden has veggie plots, but no addition-
            al food, water, and shelter (i.e. “habitat”) for the bees and beneficial insects
            Habra  un modelo de una “granja” y un “jardí n”: la granja solo tiene los cultivos sembrados, pero no hay agua
            adicional para alimentos ni refugio (es decir, “ha bitat”) para las abejas y los insectos beneficiosos. El jardí n
            tiene parcelas para verduras, pero no hay agua adicional para los alimentos ni refugio (es decir, "ha bitat") pa-
            ra las abejas y los insectos beneficiosos.                                                            52
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