Page 113 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 113


                            a. Popular restaurant in Japan
                            b. The development of  Japan tourism
                            c. The tips to find halal food in Japan
                            d. Halal institutions
                        2. Which is not one of institutions that provide Halal certificate?
                            a. Halal Navi Japan
                            b. The Japan Islamic Trust
                            c. Muslim Professional Japan Association
                            d. the Japan Halal Foundation
                        3. The following are tips you can do when looking for halal food in Japan, except
                            a. select Indonesian restaurant
                            b. use the application
                            c. go to one of halal institutions
                            d. recognize food composition
                        4. In line 10 the word “ varied” means?
                            a. various
                            b. fixed
                            c. figured
                            d. steady
                        5. This text is intended for….
                            a. workers
                            b. students
                            c. Muslim tourist
                            d. Japanese people

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                        D. M5: Writing

                        Instructional objective
                        You will be able to write a short review foods and services at a restaurant

                        Writing Activity

                        Write a review of restaurant in your city.

                        Restaurant Review

                        Vega, New York
                        Reviewed yesterday

                        Great mains, pity about the chips. Came for lunch with my sister. We loved our
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