Page 116 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 116


                        Language Expression at Restaurant

                         Waiter                                      Guest

                         A table for two please.                     Take this table next to the window.
                         Would you like smoking or non               Smoking/Non-smoking, please.

                         Would you see the menu?                     Thank you.

                         Are you ready to order?                     Yes, I think so.

                         What would you like to start with?          I’d like the….,please

                         as an appetizer?                            Could I have the,….. please.
                         Would you like anything to drink?           Yes. A/An….please.

                         Is that everything? Would you like          That’s all, thank you.
                         anything else?

                         Fine. Your order will be ready soon.        Thank you very much.

                        More language usage practices you may explore these links:

                          At the restaurant (guest – waiter) – Sentences in English
                          Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant
                          Booking a table in restaurant
                          Useful phrases at the restaurant
                          Useful expression at the restaurant – advanced

                        F.  M5: Vocabulary

                        Instructional objective
                        You will be able to use vocabularies to make reservation and ordering food at a

                        Video Vocabulary 1: Vocabulary for the Restaurant

                        Learn the Top 10 Must-Know Vocabulary for the Restaurant in English
   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121