Page 127 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 127


                        A: “I’ll meet you in front of Nordstrom’s in 30 minutes.”
                        B: “Sounds good. See you there.”
                        A: “What do you think about these shoes?”
                        B: “They’re cute. But do you think you’ll wear them much?”
                        A: “No. Not really.”
                        B: “This sweater is so pretty. I love the low neck design.”
                        A: “I bet it’s expensive.”
                        B: “It’s on sale for $80. What do you think? Should I try them on?”
                        A: “For 80 bucks it looks great. Go try it on.”

                        Listen again and answer the questions

                        1.  Why are they going to the department store?
                            a. They are having a sale
                            b. They need to shop for school clothes
                            c. They are bored with nothing to do
                            d. None of the above

                        2.  When are they going to meet?
                            a. On Friday
                            b. On Saturday
                            c. After dinner
                            d. In thirty minutes

                        3.  What are the two items they are looking at?
                            a. Bags and pants
                            b. Rings and necklaces
                            c. Shoes and sweaters
                            d. Jackets and belts

                        4.  What is on sale for $80?
                            a. Shoe
                            b. Jacket
                            c. Sweater
                            d. Necklace

                        Listening exercises 2


                           1.  What is the girl shopping for?
                               a. a present for her father
                               b. a present for her mother
                               c. a present for a friend
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