Page 123 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 123


                        Customer       : Sure, I’m looking for a tie.
                        Shopkeeper    : Oh. All of our ties are in the middle aisle.
                        Customer       : Thank you!
                        Shopkeeper    : You’re welcome.
                        Customer       : Oh, by the way, are any of your ties on sale.
                        Shopkeeper    : Yes, all of our silk ties are on sale today.
                        Customer       : Oh! Do you have any thin ties? I prefer the thin style.
                        Shopkeeper    : Yes, we do. Although we don’t have many left. You will find
                                                  some located on the back rack.
                        Customer       : One more question. Do you have any solid color ties without any
                        Shopkeeper    : No, I’m so sorry. We don’t. All of our solid colors have been sold.

                        Video 2 : At the market
                        Watch the video and practice

                        Source :

                        Dialogue 2: How much is this
                        Practice the dialogue bellow with your friend

                        Seller               : Clocks, clocks for everyone! Watches and clocks!
                        Customer        : Excuse me, how much is this clock?
                        Seller               : For you, I could do that clock for 10 Pound.
                        Customer        : Ten Pound?
                        Seller               : Yeah, that’s right.
                        Customer        : Here you are.
                        Seller               : Thanks.
                        Customer        : Thank you.
                        (Scene 2)
                        Customer        : Excuse me, this clock doesn’t work.
                        Seller               : What’s wrong with it?
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