Page 124 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 124


                        Customer        : Look!
                        Seller               : Oh, yeah. I see. Well, I could give you a different one.
                        Customer        : Can I have my money back?
                        Seller               : Your money back?! Well, as it’s broken, okay. Here you are.
                        Customer     : Thanks.

                        Video 3 : Buying at a supermarket

                        Watch the video and practice


                        Dialogue 3: I’m looking for

                        Practice the dialogue bellow with your friend
                        Customer       : Hey, I wanted to buy oats. Can you help me out?
                        Shopkeeper    : Sure Sir. Which brand are you looking for?
                        Customer       : I’m looking for Kellogs. On which counter will i find it?
                        Shopkeeper    : It’s counter three. It’s at the back, near the dairy section
                        Customer       : Thanks. Will i find the other brands on the same counter?
                        Shopkeeper    : Yes! We have all the major brands displayed there.
                        Customer       : Okay. Thanks for your help!
                        Shopkeeper    : You’re welcome.

                        (scene 2)
                        Customer       : Hi. I got some stuff and now I’m wondering. Do you take credit
                        Cashier           : Yes Sir. We do.
                        Customer       : Do you accept cards from all banks?
                        Cashier           : Yes Sir. Any American Bank would do.
                        Customer       : I have a Citibank credit card.
                        Cashier           : That would be fine, Sir. Can I have your card to swipe?
                        Customer       : Sure. Here it is.

                        (scene 3)
                        Customer       : I have a loyalty card from here. Will that grant me any discount?
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