Page 15 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 15


                        sentences will help student to make personal massages, email and report. Next the
                        comprehension of the structures of complete massages, email or reports will make
                        students easy to have writing activities. Finally, students have to practice writing
                        an email, brochure, notice and short description of tourism destination that  might
                        be sent to the teacher or friends as further writing activities.
                        Language Usage
                        Language usage could be considered as important activities in the electronic
                        module which discuss about useful expression and grammar usage. Understanding
                        communication expression and grammar usage that frequently used in
                        tourism  conversation activity is needed. Expressing some conversation ideas
                        with  correct language usage and grammar will minimize misunderstanding in
                        tourism communication activities. Teacher does not need to explain very detail
                        about the grammar that would be confusing. It is suggested to use the grammar
                        communicatively which more useful compare to detail grammar discussion in
                        classroom. The students also may suggested to explore grammar exercises links in
                        the module.
                        Vocabularies enrichment is very important activities that students get new
                        vocabularies which commonly used in tourism conversation. Teachers may
                        introduce the vocabularies by having a vocabularies quizzes or games to
                        encourage students.  When students get difficulties about new vocabularies it is
                        suggested that students have to guess the meaning for the first then open online
                        dictionaries or google translate.
                        Exercises materials are optional activities that  can be used in the classroom. The
                        teacher may suggest the students to use them to have more English practices. It is
                        suggested that the teacher use the exercises base on topic or activity in the module.
                        Teacher may ask students to download and print the materials to have more
                        effective result of learning activities.
                        Pre Test and Post Test
                        The teacher can you pre test to know student proficiency or competences in
                        English for tourism. The score of the pre test  can be considered as starting point
                        in learning this module. Post Test has objective to know students proficiency or
                        competences in English for tourism after learning the electronic module. Teacher
                        may know students achievement in learning this module by score comparing the
                        result of pre and post test (gain score).
                        TOEIC TEST
                        TOEIC or Test of English for International Communication is to measure students
                        English proficiency in the workplace. The teacher can recommend students to
                        have exercises and free diagnosis online TOEIC test, therefore students will know
                        how well their score in the test. The more students practice and explore TOEIC
                        link the better score they will have.
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