Page 19 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 19


                        A.  M1: Speaking

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                        Instructional Objective
                        You will be able to speak about vacation reservation, ordering flight ticket and
                        tour packaging.

                        Video 1 : At travel agent

                        Watch the video and practice

                        Dialogue 1 : At Tour and Travel Agency
                        Practice the dialogue with your partner
                        Receptionist    : Good morning Sir. How can I help you?
                        Customer         : Well I have some time off from work next month and I was
                                         thinking of  going to Australia.
                        Receptionist    : That sounds great. How long is your vacation?
                        Customer         : Just one week.  My last day of work is 26th of July. And I go
                                                   back on  the 5th August
                        Receptionist    : OK. Here’s our Sydney Brochure. Have a look if there is a hotel
                                                   that  you like.
                        Customer         : Ah. This one is good. The Four Season hotel. It’s expensive but I
                                                   have  been told It’s very nice.
                        Receptionist    : Yes. It’s very high class hotel. ’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay
                                                   there. Would you like me to make the booking  now , Sir.
                        Customer         : Yes, please.
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