Page 20 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 20


                        Video 2 : At travel agency
                        Watch the video and practice


                        Practice the dialogue with your friend

                        Dialogue 2: Booking a Flight
                        A         : Hello, I need to schedule my trip to Paris for next week?
                        B         : When would you like to travel?
                        A         : I have to reach Paris by the 24th
                        B         : Is this a round trip? Will you need a return ticket, too ?
                        A         : Yes, check that for 31st in the evening.
                        B         : Yes, there’s a nonstop flight to Paris from Kennedy airport on 24th at
                                      6AM. On 31st you may board flight 309 which is also nonstop at
                        A         : Okay, fine, I think that can work for me.
                        B         : Would you like to book the tickets then?
                        A         : What’s the cost ?
                        B         : It’ll be $2750
                        A         : Do you accept cards?
                        B         : Yes, we do.

                        Dialogue 3 : Booking a Hotel
                        A         : I’d like to book a hotel in Paris, please.
                        B         : Sure, we can help you find a great place.
                        A         : Well, I need a budget hotel that’s near the marketplaces.
                        B         : Certainly, just give me a sec. Okay, here’s one. It’s the Belladonna on
                                      Lock Avenue.
                        A         : What are the rates for 1 person?
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