Page 53 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 53


                        Immigration officer     : Hello. Can I see your _________(1) and your
                                                               _________(2) please?
                        Jane                              : Sure. Here’s my ________(3). And here’s my
                        Immigration officer     : Thank you. Would you like a ________(5) or an
                        Jane                              : __________(7), please.
                        Immigration officer     : All right. Do you have any _________(8) to check-in?
                        Jane                              : Yes, I would like to check-in this __________(9).
                        Immigration officer     : Did you pack your suitcase yourself?
                        Jane                              : Yes.
                        Immigration officer     : Okay, put it on the __________(10). Great! Your
                                                               __________(11) isn’t too heavy.
                        Jane                              : That’s a good news!
                        Immigration officer     : Here’s your ___________(12). Your flight leaves at
                                                                 Gate C36 and the boarding time is at 1:15 PM.
                        Jane                              : Thank you.

                        Vocabulary Exercise 2: Identifying Meaning
                        1. What does it mean by: “an authority or agency in a country responsible for
                           collecting and safeguarding the flow of goods”?
                           a. Travel Agency
                           b. Travel Guidance
                           c. Custom
                           d. Immigration authority

                        2. What does it mean by: “a travel document issued by a country’s government to
                           its citizens that verifies the identity and nationality of the holder”?
                           a. Travel license
                           b. Passport
                           c. Identity card
                           c. Boarding pass

                        3. What does it mean by: “a piece of paper or small card that gives the holder a
                           certain right”?
                           a. Entrance license
                           b. Ticket
                           c. Identity card
                           d. Passport

                        4. What does it mean by: “any revenue-generating measure targeted at tourists”?
                           a. Airport tax
                           b. Arrival tax
                           c. Departure tax
                           d. Tourist tax
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