Page 83 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 83


                        Source :

                        Listening Activity 2: Deciding on the hotel in USA
                        Listen the video listening bellow and answer the questions


                        Listening Exercise 1: Hotel reservation

                        Listen the conversation and complete the missing words with the words in the box
                        Receptionist      : Hello, Mercury Hotel. How can I help you?
                        Nadine              : Hi, I’m calling [1] _________ my previous reservation.
                        Receptionist      : Sure. Do you have [2] ___________ number?
                        Nadine              : Yes, it’s 030116
                        Receptionist      : Could you [3] _____________ me under what name is it?
                        Nadine              : It’s me, Mrs. Nadine. N-A-D-I-N-E.
                        Receptionist      : Well Mrs. Nadine. What things do you [4] _________ change
                                            in the reservation?
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