Page 84 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 84


                        Nadine              : I want to change the check-in date from July 25th to July 31st.
                        Receptionist      : Certainly ma’am. Is there [5] ___________?
                        Nadine              : Yes, I also want to change [6] _________ date as well from
                                            August 1st into August 3rd.
                        Receptionist      : I’m sorry, Ma’am. But you can’t change the check-out date
                                            because we are [7] ___________ on August 3rd.
                        Nadine              : Oh, I see. So, what date are [8] ___________?
                        Receptionist      : Hold a moment please, let me check. (a few moment later).
                                           Well  ma’am we have room available on August 5th.
                        Nadine              : Okay. I’ll get that.
                        Receptionist      : Sure. Is there anything else ma’am?
                        Nadine              : No, I think that’s al. Oh, [9] _________ thing. Please make
                                           sure I  get [10] __________ room area.
                        Receptionist      : Of course, ma’am. We’ve [11] __________ as you want to.
                        Nadine              : Sounds good.
                        Receptionist      : Well, we will have you [12] __________ July 31st and depart
                                            on August 5th.
                        Nadine              : Thank you very much.
                        Receptionist      : My pleasure.

                          type of room      to change           available           the reservation

                          Tell              fully booked        want to             one more

                          arrive on         the check-out       the non-smoking     anything else

                        Listening Exercise 2: Hotel reservation

                        Listen the conversation and complete the missing words

                        Receptionist   : Hogwarts Hotel. How can we [1] _________ you?
                        Guest         : Good afternoon. I would like [2] __________ a room for 23rd of
                                         November, please. Is there a room available for that date.
                        Receptionist  : Absolutely. We still have a few rooms [3] __________ on that
                                        date. How long   will you [4] __________?
                        Guest         : Only for one night.
                        Receptionist  : Okay. What [5] ___________ room would you like?
                        Guest         : I would like [6] __________ , a bathtub on the bathroom, a mini
                                          freezer, TV, and AC in the room. And if possible, I would like
                                           the one with [7] ___________ in the bathroom.
                        Receptionist  : Would you like your [8] ___________ to be included too?
                        Guest         : How much would that be?
                        Receptionist  : With breakfast, it will be $150 and without breakfast it will be
                                         $170. We also have [9] ___________ ready 24 hours should you
                                         need anything.
                        Guest         : I think I will just go with breakfast [10] _________ .
                        Receptionist  : Absolutely. May I [11] _________ your name for the booking?
                        Guest         : It’s Icha Watson. When is the check in time?
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