Page 25 - Michigan DNR–Outdoor Adventure Center January - April 2019
P. 25
Our Senior’s Nature Photo Stroll in the Park
Join us for a springtime stroll, taking pictures of nature in April. Taking photos of animal life, plant life, and more. This activity is designed for our 60+ friends who like to stroll at their leisure photographing and discussing their picturesque discoveries with their own phones or cameras.
Weather permitting.
We recommend joining the fun at the start time. We may not be able to accommodate those who arrive more than 15 minutes into the activity.
FEE: Included with the price of admission.
Spring into Action: Dequindre Cut & Milliken State Park Community Cleanup
Calling all who care deeply about our parks and valuable green spaces for urban wildlife! Join us along with Detroit RiverFront Conservancy as we spring into action, hiking down the Dequindre Cut Greenway and through Milliken State Park to collect any garbage and restore the beauty of the park.
Participants will earn a commemorative 2019 OAC service patch.
FEE: Admission complimentary upon completion.
SATURDAY, APRIL 20 2:00 P.M. Dequindre Cut Graffiti Hike
What do the Hygienic Dress League, Fell300ft, and Malt all have in common? You can find many of their murals just outside our front door on the Dequindre Cut. Join us for an urban hike through the Dequindre Cut and learn the history behind the murals and street art found throughout the trail. The total distance this hike will cover will be two miles. This hike will be dog-and wheelchair-friendly!
We recommend joining the fun at the start time. We may not be able to accommodate those who arrive morethan15minutesintotheactivity. Camerasareencouraged
FEE: Included with price of admission.
Hiking the Paper Trail: An Origami-Themed Hike
Have you ever gone hiking? How about hiking while doing origami at various points along the trail? Join us for “Hiking the Paper Trail” as we hike through Milliken State Park and learn about the various trees found throughout the park while making some paper folds to build a paper crane! Participants will be given a piece of origami paper at the start of the hike and leave with a completed origami crane by the end of the trail.
We recommend joining the fun at the start time. We may not be able to accommodate those who arrive more than 15 minutes into the activity.
FEE: Included with the price of admission.