Page 103 - Peter Randall - The Craft of the Knot
P. 103
Though it may look complicated, Chainstitch Lashing ties quickly once you get the
The Granny Knot is a variation on the Reef Knot (see Chapter 6), except that the two
Half Knots are the same.
Also called the Garden Knot, the Granny Knot is tied often just because it is what you
get when you make both crossings for the Half Knots with either hand. You will likely
see it tied by store clerks in the handles of plastic shopping bags. This knot will either
slip or jam, and can be difficult to untie. People often tie the double slipped version of
this knot when attempting to tie a Double Slipped Reef in their shoelaces, which is
evident when the knot’s bows run up and down the length of the shoe instead of across.
This type of lashing relies on Marling Hitches to hold the contents of a bundle firmly in
STEP 1 Start by securing the rope around the end of the bundle with a Timber Hitch
(see Chapter 10). Lead the running end partway down the bundle, make another wrap,
and tuck the running end over and under, as shown.