Page 106 - Peter Randall - The Craft of the Knot
P. 106

Thanks  to  the  properties  of  the  Crossing  Knot  (a  knot  made  by  one  rope  around

  another at the point where it crosses it, then continuing past it), you should have no
  problem lifting up the bundle by pulling on the knotted rope.


  Here are two other variations on tying a Reef Knot.

  STEP 1 To make a Slipped Reef Knot, start by tying the Reef Knot (see Chapter 6), but
  tuck one of the ends with a bight.

  STEP 2 To make a Double Slipped Reef Knot, tie the second Half Knot with bights at
  both ends.

     The Reef Knot is commonly slipped for ease of untying or for decoration. The Double
  Slipped Reef is commonly used to tie shoes and is tied with ribbon around packages to

  accentuate the decorative bows.
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