Page 108 - Peter Randall - The Craft of the Knot
P. 108
Chapter 10
Whether it’s tying a knot to truss a chicken for dinner, hanging a clothesline, or hanging
a child’s swing, knots are an everyday occurrence around any household. For the most
part, we barely give them any thought.
Yet, with a little practice and care, we can tie knots that will do the job right and
won’t cause us frustration or concern by giving way at awkward moments. You may
even find some new uses for them that you hadn’t anticipated.
Also known as the Boa Knot, the Boa Constrictor forms an even more tenacious hold
than the regular Constrictor Knot.
STEP 1 Begin by forming two crossing turns.
STEP 2 Overlap the crossing turns and twist one end over by a half turn.