Page 2 - Onboarding Toolkit
P. 2

You’ve found a suitable candidate

              for the role and before you know it,
              you’ll have a New Starter on your

             This toolkit covers everything a Hiring
             Manager needs to know about
             effectively onboarding their full time
             New Starter (not suitable for temps).

                          Click on any topic in
                          the calendar on the
                          next page to find out



     New Starter          Successful candidate chosen by Hiring Manager

     Hiring Manager       Leader who hires New Starter

     Proxy                In some circumstances (e.g. bulk recruitment or classroom induction training),
                          a learning professional may act as a Proxy Hiring Manager for some time
                          before the New Starter works with their Leader.  Thus the Proxy may
                          complete the tasks usually completed by the Hiring Manager.
     SSC                  In each division there are multiple Systems Support Coordinators (SSCs) who
                          support Hiring Managers with the onboarding process.

     HR Services          The HR team who support the Hiring Manager and the New Starter with the
                          onboarding experience.

     Support person       A support person provides support and answer questions when the Hiring
                          Manager is unavailable. The support person can review the New Starter’s
                          answers to questions in the Onboarding Self-Paced Guide using the
                          Onboarding Self-Paced Guide for Leaders.
                          A Support Person doesn’t do ‘Leader’ responsibilities such as performance
                          feedback, coaching, training, role expectations, role responsibilities.

       This document was designed and developed by Allianz Australia Ltd (Allianz) Learning and Development group.
       This document is intended for the exclusive use and is the sole property of Allianz. This material is confidential and
       may not be reproduced in anyway or used outside Allianz without the prior written authorisation of Allianz. For
       further information, contact a member of the Allianz Learning Network or General Manager of Learning &
       Development in HR.

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