Page 7 - Onboarding Toolkit
P. 7


                     All requests you make (such as submit a request for a laptop,
                     email address, LAN ID, software, building access, etc) must be
                       approved. The approvers differ depending on the request.
                         Approvers  are listed on each request form. When you
                         complete the request form the approvers are notified
                      automatically. If the request is not approved in 48 hours you
                     MUST chase the approvers to get approval. If the request isn’t
                        approval in 5 days the request is deleted and you must
                                    complete another request form.

                      NEW                                                  HIRING


          Ensure the New Starter signs and                 03
          returns all documents to HR Services                        11 days before start
          AT LEAST 12 DAYS BEFORE START                              Advise relevant, location-
                                                                     dependent employees (such as
                                                                     Reception, EAs or Building
                                                                     Security *) of New Starter’s name
                                                                     and start date.

          NOTE: The onboarding process will                * Processes are location dependant. Your
          begin when the New Starter returns               SSC or EA can inform you of the
          documents to HR services. Delays may             appropriate channel (eg. face-to-face,
          result in allocation of laptop, phone,           phone or email). Depending on your
          email address, not available on day 1.           location, you can request an access pass

           Add notes or division or role specific requirements

                                                                                 Click here to return
                                                                                 to your calendar!

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