Page 12 - Onboarding Toolkit
P. 12

PHASE 4                                                                             DAY 1

           DAY 1

                                                             Ergonomic set up
                                                             Review the Ergonomic Workstation
                                                             and Posture card. New Starter
                                                             completes the Ergonomic
                        HIRING                               Workstation Assessment Checklist
                                                             and provides to Leader and WH&S
                        MANAGER                              team.

                                                        ☐   Demonstrate platforms & sites

                 OR SUPPORT PERSON                          • Allianz platforms: Collabor8
                                                               intranet, Connect intranet,
                                                               Corporate Directory, IT Help Desk,
       01 ORIENTATION                                          help connect to printers, Webex,
                                                               booking meeting rooms etc
                                                            • Email and Webex team: Email
                                                               system – Auto-signature set up,
       ☐    Office orientation                                 webex teams
            • Provide building pass                         • HR platforms: me@Allianz, MY HR
            • Do a ‘floor walk’  (workstation,                 portal, AllianzU, Timesheet , and
              team locations, kitchen,                         Payroll
              bathrooms, printing, stationery               • Business unit / role-specific
              supplies)                                        systems

       ☐   Set up laptop & phone
           • Help the New Starter set up                02        PEOPLE
              workstation and connect to
              Allianz network.
           • Explain AVC, DUO and                        ☐    Introductions
              StoreFront and demonstrate                      • Key team members and
              how to connect.                                   stakeholders (people they will
           • Help New Starter to set up phone                   be working with).
              (e.g. voicemail messages /                 ☐
              greetings, review Telephone                     Organise Face-to-face meetings
              Standards Card and Avaya User                   with the appropriate team
              Guide)                                          members and stakeholders
           • If New Starter will be working              ☐    Free counselling services:
              from home, please complete this                  • EAP (Employee Assistance
              form.                                               Program) For regular
           • Set up the New Starter’s                             employees
              Corporate Directory profile and                  • Manager Assist Advisory
              email signature                                     Service  For managers

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