Page 17 - Onboarding Toolkit
P. 17


      06         Please ensure that you Fill in            07         Then Click ‘Submit’ on the right
                 the following on the form to
                                                                      hand side of the screen
                 submit your request:
                 - Requested on behalf of –                           Please be advised that this will sit
                 This is where you insert your                        with your cost Centre Manager
                 ‘new employees full name’                            to approve
                 - Work Requested Location -                          If you are the Cost Centre
                 Location of where your new                           Manager and the Hiring
                 hire will be located                                 Manager please ensure you
                 - Work Request Floor – The                           approve the request
                 floor in which your new hire
                 will be located
                 - Date Requested From – The
                 effective date of when your
                 new hire will start at Allianz
                 - Any Additional Comments

                                                            08         Once approved, you should get
                                                                       an email from Facilities to inform
                                                                       you that your access card is
                                                                       ready for Pick up on from Level
                                                                       12 Reception.
                                                                       Please be advised the access
                                                                       card won’t work until the
                                                                       effective date of your new Hire.

                                                                       Any Questions or concerns can
                                                                       you please email

                                                                                 Click here to return
                                                                                 to your calendar!

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