Page 13 - Onboarding Toolkit
P. 13

  CHECKLIST                                                                DAY      OF WORK

     03 1-TO-1 CATCH UP                                         04BEGIN

      ☐    First Aid & Emergency Evacuation                      New Starter begins Onboarding

           • First Aid Kit locations/ Room                       Direct your New Starter to the
           • Evacuation and assembly area                        Onboarding portal.
           • First Aid Officers can be found
              through Advanced Search.                          Division or role specific requirements:
           • Emergency Warden, First Aid Officer,
              Health & Safety Representative,                    Work vehicle
              Mental Health First Aid Officer.                   If your New Starter requires a work
           • Complete a Personal Emergency                       vehicle they need to complete the
              Evacuation Plan (PEEP) form if New                 Safe Driving Induction Checklist
              Starter has mobility issues.                       Inspect and hand over the vehicle;
      ☐    Incidents and Hazards                                 OR provide contact details of the
                                                                 Lease company
           Explain the requirement to report
           hazards, and threats to a person or                   Allocate support person
           property.                                             A support person’s role is to provide
           • Hazard and Incident Report Forms                    direction and answer questions
           • Security Incident Reports                           when the Hiring Manager is
      ☐    Office etiquette                                      unavailable.
           • Use hand sanitiser
           • Wipe down desk everyday using                       Type your division or role specific
              cleaning products                                  requirements here::
           • Personal hygiene (deodorant, avoid
              strong scents which may cause
              allergic reactions in others
           • Clean desk before leaving each day
           • Avoid eating strong smelling food at
      ☐    Employment expectations
           Discuss daily expectations, including:
           • Hours of work
           • Break times
           • Absences
           • Lateness
           • Dress code
           • Behavioural expectations
           • Inclusiveness

                                                                              Click here to return
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