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The Sydney Carter Scholarship

            HE SYDNEY Carter Scholarship
            is offered to members or
        Tchildren of members of the
        Manchester Co-operative Credit
        Union who are pursuing ter-
        tiary-level studies at the University
        of Technology,Jamaica, The
        University of the West Indies or the
        Northern Caribbean University. The
        scholarship is offered to the suc-
        cessful candidate for a maximum
        of three years, inclusive of the final
        year, and is made available once
        a recipient has completed his/her
        SYDNEY CARTER                                                                           Mr Javid Bryan receives the 2019 Sydney Carter Scholarship from Miss Michelle
        SCHOLARSHIP                                                                             Ambersley, general manager.
                                     Sydney Rowel Carter
          THE SYDNEY Carter Scholarship
        was named after the late Sydney                                                         honour. The purpose of this scholar-  • 2001 – Mr Andre Tucker
                                     Manchester, he was vice-principal at   amalgamations that led to the or-
        Rowel Carter, who was born in   Holmwood Technical High School.  ganisation of the Manchester Co-  ship is to perpetuate the memory of   • 2004 – Ms Venetta Swaby
        Duncans, Trelawny. The  third  of   Carter wore many hats, as he  operative Credit Union (1977) Ltd,   a great man and to help in the edu-  • 2006 – Ms Jholein Marshall
        seven children, he received his in-                                                     cation of our nation. The following   • 2007 – Mr Ricardo Blake
                                     was a businessman, a sportsman,  where he also served as a manager.
        itial education in St Ann. He then                                                      is a list of the recipients who have   • 2009 – Mr Nicholas Burrell
                                     community leader, justice of the   In recognition of the significant
        attended Mico College, Reading                                                          benefited from the scholarship over   • 2011 – Mr Khori Anderson
                                     peace, Rotarian, and co-founder  contributions that Mr Sydney Carter
        University in London, and Nova                                                          the last 33 years:             • 2013 – Ms Rochelle Mendez
        Scotia University in Canada. Mr   of the Middlesex Co-operative  made to the credit union and the   • 1988 – Mr Martin Blackwood  • 2015 – Ms Tanielle Fairclough
        Carter taught in St Catherine,  Credit Union Limited. He played  nation as a whole, the organisation   • 1994 – Mr Omar Greene  • 2017 – Mr Zanor Bell
        St Andrew and Manchester. In  an instrumental role in a series of  decided to offer a scholarship in his   • 1997 – Ms Ingrid Harris  • 2019-Present – Mr Javid Bryan

                                                      NAME OF FEATURE |  THE GLEANER |  SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021
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