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                                                         Alexander Bourne, president  Cleveland Robinson, 1st VP  Stallyn Insang,2nd VP   Althea Campbell, secretary

        Althia Scott-Jones,
        asst secretary       Nicholas Spence, treasurer  Astley Scott, asst treasurer  Courtney Henry  Geoffrey Sharpe  George Sloley  Berresford South

               A financial partner

                         I can trust

            HE MANCHESTER Co-operative  years, has made me feel like I have a
            Credit Union (1977) Ltd is a local  true financial partner and advocate in
        Tpartner that I can trust. They are  my corner. Their care and support have
        flexible to my needs, and supportive  allowed me to retain jobs, navigate
        of my mission to grow and excel.  challenging business atmospheres,
         AS A small, local business owner, it is  and access capital during hard times.
        very important for me to be a member   I have relied on them for all my sav-
        of an institution that understands my  ings and loans needs for over a decade.
        financial needs. At the Manchester Co-  I am on a first-name basis with the staff   truly depend on.
        operative Credit Union, everyone is so  at the credit union, who understand   Big up to the Manchester Co-
        friendly, the service is speedy, and they  the seasonality of my business and  operative Credit Union, a financial
        are always able to satisfy my needs  the recent impacts of the pandemic.  partner that can be trusted.
        through their products and services.   Dependability is everything, and
         Doing business with the Manchester  Manchester Co-operative Credit Union   DAVE GAYLE
        Co-operative Credit Union over the  (1977) Ltd is one institution that I can   Business Owner

          BUSINESS                   the credit union and, as a result, I   in October, and when I am unable
                                                                   to attend the function, my gift is
                                     ensured that all my children had
                                     an account there from they were   secured by a staff member who calls
              CONTINUED FROM 10      at primary school. In 2013, when   and makes arrangements for me to
                                     I was advised by my employer to   pick it up. These are the things that
        over the years, and is one I can call   fill out and submit a change form   make Manchester Credit Union the
        on at any time to guide my financial   for salary to go to a commercial   financial institution of choice for me
        decisions and help me secure a loan   bank account, I stuck with my credit   and so many others.
        that best suits my need. He is a gem.     union. I will always stand by the   Thank you all for the kindness
         There are others I can call on, like   one that has helped me so much   and care you have shown me since
        Mrs James and Mrs Newell, who con-  over the years.        I stepped through your doors in
        tinue to go beyond the call of duty. I   Though the institution offers online   2000. I pray that God will continue
        would also like to say thank you to Mr   banking services, I find it a pleasure to   to bless the institution and keep you
        Bonito, Miss Nadine, the security of-  visit the credit union when necessary.   all safe as you do what you do best
        ficers, past and present, Mr Tyrell, and   I prefer to join a line, see the teller and
        many others whose names I cannot   establish yet another friendship, espe-  and live as by your slogan: ‘Where
        remember right now. They have all   cially at a time when socialisation has   Service Exceeds Expectation’.
                                                                    You have certainly exceeded my
        been there for me one way or another.   decreased as a result of the pandemic.
        It is a pleasure going there because I   It is the only financial institution in   expectations, and I look forward to
        am not treated like just a customer at   Manchester I visit so often, because   working with you for many more
        the Manchester Co-operative Credit   that is where I do most of my business   years to come, by God’s grace.
        Union; I am a friend, a sister, and a part   and ‘my family’ is there.
        of a big, wonderful family.    I make it my duty to be present   SHERNETT KERR-TURNER
         My loyalty has always been with   for Credit Union Week celebrations   RN, RM Public Health Nurse
                                      MCCU 70TH ANNIVER  S A R Y  FEA TURE                                                                             13
                                                      NAME OF FEATURE |  THE GLEANER |  SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021
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