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Building communities through

        Glencoe Meadows sub-division

         N 1990, the Manchester Co-
         operative Credit Union (1977)
       ILimited entered into an agree-
        ment with the owners of Hill View
        Farms in Manchester to purchase
        43 acres of land.
          The property is located just out-
        side the town of Spaldings and
        approximately two miles from
        Christiana. It also adjoins the Percy
        Junor Hospital and is in proxim-
        ity to several primary and high
          The main objective for acquiring
        these lands was to meet the needs
        of members who were desirous of   Groundbreaking at Glencoe in 1994.
        owning homes in the community,
        where the cost of residential lots   There were 15 lots that were re-  first dwelling house on Lot No.
        was at a treacherous peak.    tained for commercial purposes, to  2. At present, there are 39 com-
          On May 6, 1991, when the  be developed by the credit union.  pleted houses and 16 still under
        Manchester Co-operative Credit  A decision was however taken to  construction in phase one, while
        Union opened its doors, it had  convert these into residential lots.  there are six completed houses
        entered a new phase, as mem-  A new survey was done and this  and two still under construction
        bers were not only going to make  number was reduced to nine resi-  in phase two.
        lodgements and payments; some   dential lots.               Members who have acquired lots
        of them were, for the first time,   In 1995, the project went into  have lauded their credit union for
        making down payments on what   high gear with the erection of the  venturing into such a project.
        they say today is their most valua-
        ble asset – a lot of land at Glencoe
          In April 1992, the sale was put on
        hold in order to accommodate the
        contractors carrying out work on
        the infrastructure.
          The land was carved into 131 lots,
        measuring between 10,000 and
        17,000 square feet each.
          The infrastructure was completed
        in December 1993, and the remain-
        ing lots were ready for sale. The
        credit union management sought
        to give the property a new name,
        and after launching a competition
        among staff, the name was changed
        to Glencoe Meadows. It was a very
        momentous occasion in the life of
        the Manchester Co-operative Credit
        Union (1977) Limited when the then
        president of the board of directors,
        Mr Balford Banton, turned the soil at
        Glencoe. This marked the beginning
        of the preparations for the site by
        Guaran-Tee Construction Company
          By mid 1994, the National Water
        Commission and Jamaica Public
        Service Company were on site to
        carry out their share of work.
          In July 1995, the remaining lots
        were sold and more than 40 pur-
        chasers had possession of their
                                                      NAME OF FEATURE |  THE GLEANER |  SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021
                                      MCCU 70TH ANNIVER  S A R Y  FEA TURE                                                                             11
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