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        Looking forward to serving you for another 70 years

            HE MANCHESTER  Co-       High School, Mr F.R. Ricketts and  amalgamations, the Manchester   Total assets – $ 7 billion
            operative Credit Union  his assistant, the late Mr Sydney  Co-operative Credit Union (1977)   Savings – $ 5.14 billion
        T(1977) Limited (MCCU) cele-  Carter. The study group moved  Limited was born.            Loan portfolio – $3.47 billion
        brated its 70th year of providing fi-  from house to house, sharing the   Since those days we have moved   Total membership – 48,105
        nancial services to members in the  vision and philosophy of the credit  into more spacious offices; em-  members
        parish of Manchester and those  union and the prospects for the  ployed professional managers
        within a 20-mile radius outside of  future. The credit union started  and staff; we have expanded both   The MCCU is proud to have been
        Christiana. The MCCU had its gene-  with members coming mainly  branches and now have 77 employ-  serving the parish of Manchester
        sis in 1947 as a study group under  from the staff of Holmwood and  ees. Our financial performance, as of  and its surrounding communities
        the leadership of the late principal  members of the immediate com-  March 31, 2021, boasts the following  for the last 70 years. The credit
        of the now Holmwood Technical  munity. In 1977, after a series of  accomplishments:     union celebrated this year’s mile-
                                                                                                stone under the theme, ‘Building
                                                                                                Communities … Fostering Growth’.
                                                                                                The credit union’s community out-  institutions. This pandemic has been
                                                                                                reach efforts and support for our
                                                                                                                              difficult for everyone. It is more im-
                                                                                                community during the COVID-19   portant than ever that we protect
                                                                                                crisis has been commendable, such
                                                                                                                              the most vulnerable and take care
                                                                                                as providing various contributions   of our community and make a dif-
                                                                                                to the local healthcare industry, a
                                                                                                                              ference. We are thankful for the con-
                                                                                                toy drive for Mandeville Regional   tinued support from our members
                                                                                                Hospital, providing care packages
                                                                                                                              over the years, and look forward to
                                                                                                for our senior members, and donat-  serving their needs and the needs
                                                                                                ing tablets to various educational
                                                                                                                                 PLEASE SEE SERVING, 7

        6                             MCCU 70TH ANNIVER  S A R Y  FEA TURE
                                                      NAME OF FEATURE |  THE GLEANER |  SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021
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