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An awesome achievement Inspired and hopeful for
N BEHALF of the board of Credit Union has a great one. a bright future
directors and the Credit To the management and staff: I
OUnions of Jamaica, I con- encourage you to continue to give
gratulate you on the achievement exemplary customer service to your operative Credit Union (1977)
of this milestone. members and to expand your suite
TLimited was established out
Seventy years of service to the of financial products and services,
of the credit union mantra of peo-
members of the credit union and the while ensuring that the credit union
ple helping people. Our founding
people of the parish of Manchester is continues to be safe and sound.
fathers envisioned that the mem-
an awesome achievement. I entreat To members, I want to say that the
bers’ lives would be improved by
you to continue giving great service world today is quite different from the
the pooling of resources to help
to your members and your country. way it was 70 years ago. Vast inter-
them better their lives through the
It is obvious that your members are ruptions are taking place in the area
attainment of key financial goals.
satisfied with the service that the of service delivery, through the intro-
We are proud that we have achieved
credit union is providing, otherwise duction of new technologies, and this
and, in many respects, exceeded
they certainly would not have contin- will definitely affect service delivery to
ued to support it over these 70 years. you as members. We, however, expect philosophies safe so that members our founders’ vision. From humble
I especially congratulate your cadre this to be positive and redound to can continue to benefit from being beginnings, we have grown to more
of volunteers over the 70 years, for your benefit. I ask that you do not co-operators. than 48,000 members and over $7
serving the community through the become daunted by the changes but I wish Manchester Credit Union billion of assets under management. served as staff or volunteers. Thank
credit union, and I urge the present instead embrace them as your credit greater longevity and success in your As we mark our 70th anniversary, you! We also thank our many collab-
volunteers to continue this noble trend union moves towards enhancing ser- financial and co-operative endeav- we celebrate and pay tribute to orators, including, but not limited
to improve the lives of your people, vice delivery to all members. At the ours for the next 70 years and beyond. the generations of members who to, the Jamaica Co-operative Credit
through the cooperative principles. same time, I encourage you to con- have supported their credit union Union League and its subsidiaries,
This is indeed a labour of love – vol- tinue to save with, and borrow from, LAMBERT JOHNSON over the past seven decades. We the Department of Co-operatives
unteerism has its rewards. I wish you your credit union. President, Jamaica would not be the award-winning and Friendly Societies, other co-op-
and the credit union family continued As leaders of the movement, we Co-operative Credit Union credit union we are today without eratives, and our many business
success in the future and Manchester intend to keep the principles and League them – especially those who have PLEASE SEE FUTURE, 7