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                 Continued growth and success                                                    Congratulations, MCCU!

         T GIVES me a sense of pride to  the Manchester Co-operative Credit                          HE COUNCILLORS and staff
         join in the celebration of the 70th  Union (1977) Limited as a financial                    of the Manchester Municipal
       Ianniversary of the Manchester Co-  institution of choice.                               TCorporation are elated to
        operative Credit Union (1977) Limited.  Your celebration theme, ‘Building               share in the joy of the 70th anniver-
          Undoubtedly, the success of this fi-  Communities … Fostering Growth’,                sary of the Manchester Co-operative
        nancial institution must be attributed  is indeed appropriate. It makes your            Credit Union (1977) Limited.
        to the sound policies and manage-  position known in the development                      Seventy years of providing ser-
        ment practices governing its oper-  and growth of our people and commu-                 vice that exceeds expectations is a
        ations and membership, along with  nities, and the economy of the parish.               significant achievement.
        the effort and commitment of those   I commend you for your generous                      The credit union has consistently
        who worked to enable the institution  support towards the many charitable               provided excellent products and
        to become successful and well recog-  organisations, the positive impact                services to its members, and has
        nised as a place for financial products  you have made in the lives of many,            been unwavering in fulfilling its mis-
                                                                   and are now standing tall and strong.
        and services. We must also recognise  and the financial assistance rendered             sion to maintain a safe, visible, and
        that without the many proud mem-  to students through grants or schol-  Let me wish for you continued   efficient financial institution.
        bers, the credit union would not be  arships. Many can attest to the fact   growth and success in all your en-  We applaud you for your innova-  guiding wisdom and strength to
        able to celebrate this great milestone.  that their lives have been made bet-  deavours, especially in this time   tion in helping countless residents  continue serving.
          It is, therefore, with delight that  ter through your innovative means of   as we all seek to grapple with the  of Manchester realise their financial   May the credit union continue to
        I extend my congratulations to its  working towards meeting the needs   effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  goals with the assurance of your  excel even in this challenging eco-
        leadership, staff and members.  of those who look to you for support.                   continued support.            nomic environment.
          The institution must also be recog-  Your existence as a financial insti-  THE HON GARFIELD S. GREEN,   We thank you for 70 years of ser-
        nised and congratulated for the com-  tution has now spanned 70 years.   CD, JP         vice to the people of Manchester   MAYOR DONOVAN MITCHELL
        petitive edge it holds in its products  I know there has been many chal-  Custos Rotulorum of   and wish for the management, staff,   Manchester Municipal
        and services, which helps to position  lenges, but you have rallied through   Manchester  volunteers and members, God’s   Corporation

                                                      NAME OF FEATURE |  THE GLEANER |  SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021
        4                             MCCU 70TH ANNIVER  S A R Y  FEA TURE
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