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Work you do contributes greatly to the economy
INCE ITS establishment 70 Over the years, the credit union has existed at the time. This gave the enhanced economic and social
years ago, the Manchester Co- remained true to its trajectory of average Jamaican an opportunity well-being of your members and, by
Soperative Credit Union (MCCU) growth and charity, having built an and a fair chance of personal and extension, the parish of Manchester
has helped to stir a sense of pride, enviable legacy of service. financial success. is testament to your commitment to
community and dignity in its cus- The credit union’s ingress into The people of Manchester have delivering quality service.
tomers. Etched deeply within the Jamaica is linked to the 1938 mass been well-served by an efficient and Organisations such as yours are
DNA of the organisation is the goal riots against poor wages and inhu- reliable financial institution which is important to our nation’s continued
to create ‘one big parish credit union’ mane working conditions, fuelled committed to providing innovative development, growth and success.
that is consistent in its commitment by the zeal to assist in relieving the and competitive products and ser- I believe that the Manchester Co-
to serve as many people as possible. myriad of social problems which vices in a warm environment. The operative Credit Union, buttressed
by its core values, and fuelled by a
passion for service, will grow expo-
nentially and continue to play an im-
portant role in nation-building. The on this milestone of your 70th
work that you do contributes greatly anniversary!
to a prosperous economy, and will
ultimately help to strengthen the HIS EXCELLENCY THE MOST
foundation and provide additional HON SIR PATRICK ALLEN, ON,
resources to build a better Jamaica. GCMG, CD, KStJ
Well done, and congratulations Governor General
Continue to exceed the
members’ expectations
HE MINISTRY of Industry,
Investment and Commerce
Tcongratulates the Manchester
Co-operative Credit Union Limited
on attaining its 70th anniversary.
This is a truly monumental accom-
plishment and one which garners
much respect and celebration.
Having increased your client base
over the years to 48,000 – includ-
ing over 6,000 youth savers – with
a combined total asset portfolio of
over $7 billion, the Manchester Co-
operative Credit Union has shown
considerable growth since its incep-
tion, and is certain to continue en-
hancing the lives of residents in and remain as significant as it was 70
around the parish of Manchester. years ago.
The ministry values our respon- As you move forward, I know you
sibilities toward co-operative so- will always provide award-winning
cieties such as your own, which experiences and exceed the expec-
provides the opportunity for many tations of your members, while up-
Jamaicans to build on their financial holding the vision and philosophy
independence. of your founders.
Today, amid the challenges of Once again, the ministry con-
the global pandemic and the grow- gratulates you on this 70-year feat
ing demand for virtual and online and we look forward to lending our
banking operations, I know that continued support.
you strive to deliver excellent ser-
vice. I am certain that regardless AUDLEY SHAW, CD, MP
of these difficult times, your insti- Minister of Industry, Investment
tution will continue to grow and and Commerce