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           Continued commitment to excellent                                                                                       The financial

         member service from the Manchester                                                                                     performance of the
                     Co-operative Credit Union                                                                                credit union continues

            HE REGISTRAR and staff of the  of a wide range of products and  dedicated volunteers, manage-                         to show positive
            Department of Co-operative  services, to include, but not lim-  ment and staff, who constantly
        Tand Friendly Societies con-  ited to, the facilitation of several  seek to introduce innovative ways                 growth, evidenced by
        gratulate the members, volun-  scholarships and bursaries, as well  of inspiring the lives of the mem-
        teers, management and staff of  as the social and community out-  bers who utilise the services of-                    membership of more
        the Manchester Co-operative Credit  reach activities under its corporate  fered by the credit union.
        Union (1977) Limited on this sig-  social responsibility programme,   I encourage the members, vol-                     than 48,000; youth
        nificant milestone. Seventy years  despite the challenges and dy-  unteers, management and staff
        as a thriving corporate body, pro-  namics of the financial landscape  to continue to make ‘members’                     savers, over 6,500;
        viding invaluable services to mem-  being experienced at this time.    satisfaction’ your focus, to be  Co-operative Credit Union (1977)
        bers, their relatives and the wider   The financial performance of the  motivated by this milestone, and  Limited.     total savings of $5.2
        community is, indeed, remarkable  credit union continues to show  continue to maintain excellent   We applaud you, Manchester
        and should be recognised for the  positive growth, evidenced by  standards as you strive on the  Co-operative Credit Union (1977)   billion; total assets
        continued commitment to excellent  membership of more than 48,000;  path of success. In protecting the  Limited, in celebration of your
        member service.              youth savers, over 6,500; total sav-  interests of members and stake-  70th anniversary, and wish for   of $7.1 billion; and a
          The Manchester Co-operative  ings of $5.2 billion; total assets of  holders, the department, as the  you continual success.
        Credit Union (1977) Limited, since  $7.1 billion; and a loan portfolio  regulatory body, will continue to              loan portfolio of over
        its inception in 1947, continues  of over $3.4 billion as at May 31,  provide increased technical guid-  ERROL GALLIMORE
        to be the financial institution of  2021. This growth is accomplished  ance, thus ensuring the sustaina-  Registrar of Co-operative   $3.4 billion as at May
        choice, in meeting the needs of  in spite of non-performing loans  bility of the highest standard of   Societies and Friendly
        members through the provision  and competition because of the  performance by the Manchester   Societies                      31, 2021.

                                                      NAME OF FEATURE |  THE GLEANER |  SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021
                                      MCCU 70TH ANNIVER  S A R Y  FEA TURE                                                                              3
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