Page 6 - Housekeeping
P. 6

Linen Par Levels

               What is It?

                   •  A linen par level is a set number of inventory items that a hotel

                       should have on hand at any given time. The par level of
                       a hotel should be (3) pars. That provides one set of linen on the
                       bed, one on the shelf, and one in the laundry.

                   •  A par level of (3) should include bed sheets, pillowcases, bath
                       towels, hand towels, bathmats, and washcloths.

                   •  You should also determine a par level for blankets and duvet
                       covers based upon how frequently you change them.

               Why is it Important?

                   •  When a hotel does not have enough linen on hand the staff

                       cannot complete their cleaning tasks and have guestrooms
                       available to sell in timely basis.

               How Does It Impact Your Business?

                   •  Not having enough par can lead to lost revenue and increased
                       labor and linen cost.
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