Page 20 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 20

Cecil the Citroen

                      Cecil the Citroen was sad and forlorn
                     He’d been parked in the road outside 21.
                   His mistress was in there having some supper
                    And had left poor Cecil alone in the gutter.
                          He yawned and he stretched
                        And he thought “What a bore”,
                         And he grinned and he giggled
                            At the sight that he saw.
                            The handbrake was on
                             But not quite tight,
                           So he crept away quietly
                              Off into the night.
                                                                                                      A spin round the block?
                                                                                                       Gosh, it’s ever so dark,
                                                                                                      I’ll go and see the ducks
                                                                                                      On the lake in the park.
                                                                                                      Down the hill backwards
                                                                                                         “Oh, this is fun”,
                                                                                                          Faster and faster
                                                                                                        His wheels did run.
                                                                                                        Past 23 and 25 also
                                                                                                      27’s Polo and 29’s Volvo.
                                                                                                          Past 31, 33, 35
                                                                                                   Wave to the Escort in the drive.

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