Page 24 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 24

People came from far and around                                               The crash waggon crane put
                         Peering at Cecil on the ground.                                                 him down with a bump
                           Where has he come from?                                                   But his chassis got caught on
                              What’s his game?                                                            the lamp post stump.
                        “Cecil Citroen, that’s my name.                                             Those sparks round Cecil made
                             Up the road from 21,                                                         him giggle with glee,
                          Sorry I disturbed everyone.”                                                 The street lights went out
                                                                                                          and no one could see.
                   The police arrived with lights flashing blue –
                      “What have we here? What a to-do.”                                         Don’t touch Cecil or you’ll get a shock,
                      PC Potter took his hat from his head                                          More folk arrived though it was
                     “You can’t sleep there in Dick’s rose bed.”                                            now 12 o’clock.

                         The crash waggon arrived with                                            The electricity van arrived with lights
                               lights flashing red,                                                         flashing yellow,
                            No one heard Cecil cry,                                            Blue lights, red lights, now yellow ones too.
                          “I’ve a bump on my head.”                                            Sparks flashing here, and sparks flashing there
                        Red lights and blue lights flashing                                     Cecil looked lovely in the colourful glare.
                                   all round
                      Poor Cecil lay there without a sound.                                        The electricity man came with his
                                                                                                         screwdriver and tape
                       They put chains round his tummy                                            And fixed the cable and made it safe.
                            And hooks on his head
                    And lifted him up from his nice rose bed.                                   But no one had noticed Cecil’s petrol tank
                      But Cecil looked angry and very severe                                  With a hole in the bottom and one in the flank.
                           With twigs in his hair and                                             “What’s that smell?” said PC Trestle.
                                thorns in his ear.                                                “It’s Esso 4 Star,” said poor old Cecil.

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