Page 26 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 26

“Stand well back,” said PC Potter.
                        “Don’t strike a match,” said PC Patch.
                        “No smoking, gents,” said PC Trestle,
                     “Or that will be the end of poor old Cecil.”

                           Now PC Potter and PC Patch,
                            PC Trestle and Mr Hatch,
                           The man from the electricity
                            And the crash waggon too
                                Stood in a circle                                            “Hook him to the crash waggon,” someone said,
                             and discussed what to do.                                           “Then we can get Cecil to the hospital

                      “We can’t move Cecil with petrol about.”                                          To look at his head.”
                    And to make himself heard Cecil had to shout.                               So off went Cecil up the hill once more,
                   “Ring for the fire engine – they’ll be here in a jiff.                       “Sorry for the trouble,” as he passed 24.
                     The sooner the better ’cos I’m getting stiff.”
                                                                                             Everybody waved as they shouted “Good luck”
                   The fire engine arrived with lights flashing white,                        And off went Cecil behind the towing truck.
                      With blue, red and yellow, oh what a sight.
                    “Stand back you people,” said Fireman Payne,                              Now the moral of this story of Cecil Citroen,
                     “I’m gonna wash this petrol down the drain.”                            Is never go to the park in the dark on your own.
                        Sawdust and sand finished off the job,                               Hold mummy’s hand when you cross the road,
                  And again Cecil was lost in the middle of the mob.                        And please – always remember the Highway Code.

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