Page 23 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 23

Faster and faster down the hill he ran  “Look left – look right,”
 Past 37 and 39’s van.        He sang as he roared
 Past Roger’s Rekord – that was tight –   Past the gold Cortina
 “Sorry I hit you and broke your light.”  And the Estate Agent’s board.
                         A final wave to the blue Mustang
 Curtains are drawn and people are waving  Before he hit the lamp post with
 Left hand down – keep off the paving –     a terrible BANG.
 Oh, what fun as I fly along,
 Wave to Grandpa at 41.  Over the lamp post, footpath and all
                     Clean through the brand new garden wall.
 Are Nicola and Andrew tucked up in bed?  Stopped in the rose bed owned by Dick
 Wake them and dress them and give them   All Cecil could say was, “I feel sick.”
 some bread.
 Once I am clear of all these trucks
 They can come to the park
   and feed the ducks.

 Past 43, 45, 47,
 Cecil didn’t know it
 But he was heading for heaven.

 Now at the bottom of the hill
 There runs a main road,
 So Cecil checked again
 In his Highway Code.

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