Page 64 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 64

A Minor Dispute?

                                                                                                         Big Brother is here
                                                                                                      The all pervading state –
                                                                                                        Though not the State
                                                                                                         That Orwell saw –
                                                                                                   Not the State that he conceived,
                                                                                                But the state of muscle, envy and greed.
                                                                                                      Not the totalitarian State
                                                                                                     That he envisaged on Jura,
                                                                                                     But the state of mobocrity
                                                                                                        Triviality and furore.

                                                                                                  Big Brother is here, in ’84, George,
                                                                                                 Paid up member of the miner’s lodge.
                                                                                                    What’s happened then, in ’84?
                                                                                                    What restraining influence can
                                                                                                         we now look for?

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