Page 67 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 67

In Search of Ugliness

                             Reflections of a Londoner

                                Search as I may
                          Along the length of the Rhinns
                              I can find no ugliness
                             In God’s creation there.

                             Man has not ventured
                            Across these sands of time
                               With his towers of
 Revolution’s the solution and might is right –   Glass and concrete –
 Don’t bother with reason, get in there and fight.  All remains sublime.
 If you can’t use language use your boot –   Beauty is paramount.
 If you can’t use reason get in there and shoot.  The braes, the lochs,
                            The glens are as they were
 Where did we go wrong, George, in ’84? –   Since the first day
 What restraining influence can we   God’s hand fused the world.
 now look for?                 No ugliness there.
 Restraints are off, the reins are loose.
 Mass your pickets, shout abuse.  A gentle hand it was
                              That created the sky –
 Bear the teeth and twist the jaw –   No cumulus to threaten those below
 Is this the face of ’84?      But gentle cirrus.

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