Page 70 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 70

Lower your eyes lest
                              The plastic bottles
                          And other paraphernalia of
                         twentieth-century man offend.

                         But look, oh look at the rocks.
                        Neither Rembrandt nor da Vinci
                        Could hope to catch the colours
                               That therein lie.
                          Delicate greens and browns                                                    No mallet or chisel –
                         Flecked with yellow and black                                                God’s hand created these.
                             Were ne’er conceived                                              Tread carefully over His beautiful artistry –
                           Except on God’s palette.                                                  Leave your print in the sand
                                Even Picasso                                                      To remain there till the next tide –
                         In his most extravagant mood                                                  And climb the beach.
                      Could not conceive the line and form,                                     The tansy and the rose bay willow herb
                        The beauty and symmetry of the                                               Will be there to greet you.
                         Sea slug on the slate and lime.                                                  Lose your way
                            Still no ugliness there.                                             And the admiral and the tortoiseshell,

                              Leave the colours                                                    The dragonfly in all its splendour
                           And let the eye ponder on                                                 Will be waiting to lead you,
                    The shapes, the curves, the soothing lines.                                 Gently and silently to the floral garden.
                                                                                                       Still no ugliness there.
                          Even Moore could not create                                                   Yes – search as I may
                    The delicate contours that therein abound.                                     Along the length of the Rhinns –
                              No ugliness there.                                                     I can find no ugliness there.

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