Page 73 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 73

Four Days – And Still No Word

 The lights are out and darkness pervades.
 No longer the welcoming
 Light at porch and window.
 No longer the street lamps
 Casting their ghostly glare
 On all who pass beneath.

 No strange garish lights
 For the maybugs to circle
 In their frenzied flight.
 No longer the commercial signs
 Dancing and syncopatedly flashing
 Their brilliant hues.  Perhaps her lungs – stronger than mine –
                     Blew too hard at the six candles on her cake
 On this, the fortieth anniversary  And extinguished the seventh
 Of those long dark days –  That she was unaware was there.
 The eighth of May 1985 –
 Darkness pervades again  Oh for the day when the light
 A silent darkness permeating the very soul.  Is re-kindled once again
                     And once again that glow
 The source of light  Lightens this heart so sad, so forlorn.
 These past six years  At such a tender age
 Seems momentarily to have flickered and died.  She cannot know.

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