Page 76 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 76


                              We do have time
                           Yet still no time to stand
                        No time to stare at His creation
                   No time to contemplate Man’s achievements
                        Bringing refreshment to the soul.

                              We do have time –
                    The child with his calculator and computer
                      The adolescent his motorbike and car
                     The housewife her gadgets and junk food
                        And man – a shorter week by far.
                                                                                             Does he use his time to learn of God’s creation
                         We do have time in abundance                                            To ponder on the beauty of the scene.
                                   But –                                                       Does he comprehend the changing seasons
                         Does the child stand and stare                                        Whilst mesmerised by the television screen.
                          At the first flush of Spring,
                     An English meadow or a rushing stream.                                      The adolescent, too, has time to spare
                                                                                               He loves the country and all that’s there –
                    Does he know the skylark from the blue-tit                                The commune, the festival, the CND march
                         Whilst staring at video games                                                   Stupidly believing
                          And the one-armed bandit.                                              Cannabis Narcotics Drugs to be there.

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